Early Learning

Early Learning

Montessori Toys for Child Development

Discover our wide selection of Montessori toys designed to promote your child's development in a fun and educational way. Inspired by the principles of the Montessori method, our toys are specially crafted to encourage active learning, stimulate cognitive skills, and foster independence.

Montessori Toys for Interactive Learning

At Montessori-Toys.co.uk, we believe in the power of play for child development. Our Montessori toys are carefully curated to offer sensory-rich and hands-on learning experiences. Each Montessori toy is designed to spark curiosity and encourage exploration.

Our collections include a variety of sensory toys, manipulative toys, and educational toys. Sensory toys provide a rich experience by stimulating your child's sense of touch, sight, and hearing. Manipulative toys enhance fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Educational toys promote early learning in mathematics, reading, and language skills.

The Montessori Approach in Every Toy

By incorporating Montessori principles into our toys, we empower children to become active and independent learners. Each Montessori toy is designed to foster exploration, problem-solving, and creativity. Our toys are open-ended, allowing children the freedom of expression and a multitude of learning opportunities.

Safety and quality are our top priorities for Montessori toys. We use child-safe and non-toxic materials to ensure a healthy play environment. Our toys are also durable and resilient, providing long-lasting companions for your child's development.

Invest in Your Child's Development with Montessori Toys

Give your child the gift of learning and play inspired by the Montessori method. Explore our collection of Montessori toys and create an engaging environment that nurtures your child's development, while providing joy and fulfillment.

  • Gift option Jouets Montessori

    Gift option


    Is your order a gift? We will be happy to wrap it to surprise your recipient!

    Gift wrapping: Whether the order is for a girl or a boy, we offer different types of gift wrap.

    Gift card: A message to pass? We include in your order a card with your personalized message.

    Warning: This option is not possible with gripper balls.

    In Stock
  • P'tit Imagier en bois  Montessori

    P'tit Imagier en bois

    Ces petits livrets en bois constituront d'excellents premirs imagiers pour les bébés. Les images sont simpls, colorées et joyeuses, adaptés aux tout-petits.
    In Stock
  • Boite musicale bébé : Montessori Jouets Montessori
    • Online only

    Animal toys - Cow, rooster, dog figurine


    What better way to learn about animals than with these 100% FSC wooden figurines!

    The child can press on the animal's head to make it move. This toy is non-sound.

    3 animals to collect: A dog, a cow, and a rooster.

    Sold individually. Model sent randomly.

    These figurines are originally packaged in a display of 12 pieces. We offer them for sale individually, so it is possible that they may be sent without packaging.

    Our ecological commitment: This toy bears the FSC® seal, representing a special ecological and social responsibility. The wood used in the production of this toy comes from sustainably managed, controlled, and certified forests or plantations according to strict international guidelines.

    End of series: Last products available before they are permanently out of stock.

    In Stock
  • Imagier en bois  Montessori

    Wooden picture book


    These little wooden booklets will be excellent first picture books for babies. The images are simple, colorful and cheerful, suitable for toddlers.

    Sold individually. Model sent randomly.

    In Stock
  • P'tit Imagier en bois  Montessori

    P'tit Imagier en bois


    Ces petits livrets en bois constituront d'excellents premirs imagiers pour les bébés. Les images sont simpls, colorées et joyeuses, adaptés aux tout-petits.

    In Stock
  • Toy comes and goes Musical Jouets Montessori

    Toy comes and goes Musical


    This fun toy is a rolling rattle roller, while arousing baby's curiosity and musical awakening thanks to the nice little sound of the 3 wooden beads that can be seen inside the cylinder. A little game that children will find very fun.

    This awakening toy is ergonomic because it can be easily caught by baby's little hands, which will develop baby's motor skills.

    Sold individually. Color sent randomly.

    In Stock
  • Hochet éléphant rose Montessori

    Hochet éléphant rose

    Ce hochet élastique éléphant rose est un must de notre collection. Grâce à son grelot, ses perles de tailles et de formes différentes et son petit anneau mobile, il accompagne bébé dans l'éveil et la découverte de son environnement. Nos hochets en bois ne contiennent pas de solvants et uniquement des peintures à base d'eau, non toxiques car nous avons à coeur d'utiliser des matières premières saines, naturelles qui protègent la santé de nos enfants.
    In Stock
  • Première voiture

    Première voiture


    Cet voiture à pousser est un jouet pour les bébés dès 1 an / 12 mois. Il est un bon excercice de préhension... Saisir le jouet et le faire rouler sur le sol est un véritable excercice qui demande la concentration des tout-petits. Cette voiture en bois est fabriquée dans le respect stricte des normes propres à la sécurité des jeunes enfants.

    In Stock
  • Wooden Push-Along Elephant

    Wooden Push-Along Elephant


    This push-along elephant is a toy for babies aged 1 year / 12 months and up. It provides an excellent grasping exercise... Holding the toy and rolling it along the floor is a true activity that engages little ones' concentration. This wooden elephant is made in strict adherence to safety standards for young children.

    In Stock
  • Animaux culbuto avec billes Montessori Jouets Montessori

    Animaux culbuto avec billes


    Lorsque ces mignonnes créatures sont bousculées, elles se balancent d'avant en arrière pendant que les perles colorées de l'anneau autour font du bruit qui suscite la curiosité et l'intérêt des bébés. C'est un jeu d'éveil amusant et stimulant pour les bébés. L'ours, le lapin et l'éléphant feront aussi office de hochet si besoin.

    In Stock
  • Hochet balle flexible - nature Montessori

    Hochet balle flexible - nature


    Hochet balle destiné à tous les amoureux du bois naturel. Monté sur élastique, ce jouet est aussi facile qu'agréable à saisir et développe la motricité fine des bébés.

    In Stock
  • Sapin Noël pour enfant Jouets Montessori

    Montessori Christmas tree to decorate


    This large artificial Christmas tree can be personalized by your child thanks to the different decorations provided.

    Available on November 10th.

    In Stock
  • Balle de préhension Montessori Jouets Montessori

    Montessori Puzzle Gripping Ball


    This gripping ball is Montessori material handmade in France, flexible and easy to handle. This educational toy is suitable for a child from 3 months to 2 years old in order to develop the grip, coordination of movements, awakening of the senses (especially sight and touch) as well as the baby's motor skills.

    Attention: Model of gripping ball to be chosen according to the list at the bottom of the page.

    Possible to include bells inside the ball and personalize the ball with the child's first name.

    As the gripper balls are custom made, the manufacturing time is 2 to 7 working days (depending on the number of orders) before the ball is sent.

    In Stock
  • Ball box Montessori Jouets Montessori

    Ball box Montessori


    This wooden box will help develop your child's motor skills and thinking. He will have to grab the wooden ball, place it correctly in the hole so that it falls into the box. He can retrieve the ball by opening the drawer.

    In Stock
  • Train - Pastel Montessori Jouets Montessori

    Train - Pastel


    Ce petit train pastel en bois amusera beaucoup les petits. Les wagons offrent de la place pour quatre animaux (Lapin, renard, ours, râton-laveur) passagers.Les wagons du trains peuvent être raccordés les uns aux autres grâce à une connexion enfichable. Le train et les animaux hyper mignons sont conçus avec des couleurs pastel douces et des finitions soignées.

    In Stock
  • Cube de motricité Jouets Montessori

    Motor Skills Cube - Motor Skills Toy


    This motor skills cube inspired by Montessori toys will allow your child to acquire the skills required to dress on their own thanks to its 6 very soft faces: laces, buttons, zipper, press studs, Velcro fasteners and ribbons in nylon.

    This die also allows your baby to learn fine motor skills and patience.

    In Stock
  • Tour circuit à balles 2 en 1 Montessori Jouets Montessori

    Tour circuit à balles 2 en 1


    Dans ce jouet à marteler, une fois la balle frapper, elle tombe et descend bruyamment les marches d'escalier de cette petite tour, puis bébé peut recommencer. Il sera émerveiller par ce scénario. Ce jouet permet de développer la motricité de l'enfant.

    In Stock
  • Table de motricité Montessori Jouets Montessori

    Baby activity table - Wooden activity table


    This wooden activity table is a Deluxe model with a variety of activities for the awakening of young children: xylophone, guiro, built-in shapes, gears, motor circuit, slide fish, ... < / p>

    In Stock